Freedom Ranger (Chick/Straight Run)

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  • Regular price $4.95

The thing I like most about Freedom Rangers (and other red broilers) is that they are a no-fuss chicken that just takes care of itself and grows. Whether it is in the barn with the layers or free-ranging outside, they are hardy, healthy, mobile, and absolutely no trouble to work with.

This broiler variety is a good choice for anyone looking for a bird with excellent taste and a moderate growth rate. FR's reach tender fryer weight of 4 pounds around 8-10 weeks and roaster weight of 5-6 pounds in 12-14 weeks. If you mix them with your layer flock and ignore them for 20+ weeks, they will be 10-12 pound giant roasters that you can use for Thanksgiving.

Yes, they do cost more than Cornish Cross to grow. Their feed conversion ration is not as good. However, the low hassle and healthy nature of this bird makes up for the cost.

All it takes is food, water, and moderate shelter. They rarely get sick or die from unknown causes.

They are NOT a good choice for dual purpose chickens.

Minimum quantities:

1 chick for pickup only in Anchorage, Eagle River, Mat-Su.

10 chicks for shipping to all other areas. Shipping charges apply.