Available : March-June 2024
Minimum quantities:
1 chick for pickup only in Anchorage , Eagle River, Mat-Su.
10 chicks for delivery in Anchorage , Eagle River, Wasilla, Palmer.
10 chicks for shipping to all other areas. Shipping charges will apply.
This variety is a proprietary high-production cross of several breed lines, which will yield 280+ predominantly blue and green, colored eggs per year.
Most pullet chicks are brown with dark stripes, but some may also be red with yellow mottling, or even, lighter brown, almost buff, and occasionally, solid yellow. *Chicks that are solid yellow, are feather sexed, while all other color lines can be color sexed.
Most hens will feather out to be a rust or reddish brown color, with some darker striping, closely resembling their Cream Legbar ancestry, but some may also be cream-colored. Thanks to the Cream Legbar traits, ColorPack hens will develop a top crest and will lay blue, eggs!
The reason that we refer to our breed as the ColorPack, is because this breed will make a perfect addition to your colored egg assortment of layers, truly helping you achieve a “colorpack” carton of eggs.
If you are looking for something different, which will lay at a competitive level, try our ColorPack Egg Layer™.
Even though this may sound like an Easter Egger type cross, this bird is not related in any way to the Americana, or Araucana lines.
The ColorPack Egg Layer™ is color sexable.