Avian Influenza Impact
Dear Customers,
As you know, the Mission of Polaris Hatchery is food independence for Alaskans. As such, we invested in a relationship with Alaska Airlines Cargo to bring baby poultry to Alaska literally hours after they are hatched.
Polaris continues to be committed to you, the Alaskan Ag consumer, and our mission to bring Food Independence to Alaska.
Throughout this crisis, Polaris Hatchery has continued to provide live baby poultry to Alaskans. Our weekly shipments of live and healthy chicks have arrived and been distributed successfully since February 2020. This has been achieved in spite of, zero notice flight cancellations, zero notice price hikes, and flight scheduling changes. This is a daily battle that requires 24x7 vigilance and we have consistently delivered on our promise.
As such, we have implemented the following policies to protect your baby chicks from any contamination:
Our baby chicks are never mixed or housed with our layer or meat bird flock. They are in completely separate buildings.
Newly hatched chicks go directly from the hatchery to the air carrier and are routed on direct flights to Anchorage. Polaris personnel are at the air cargo terminal to meet the chick shipment and transfer it to our truck immediately upon arrival.
Newly hatched baby chicks are never removed from their original packaging until you, the customer are there to pickup your order. The only exception to this is when chicks are being forwarded to other locations in small quantities.
Thank you for your loyalty, patience, support, and understanding.
Don Dyer
Owner, Polaris Hatchery